This Abrasive Wheels course will provide you with an introduction to working safely with abrasive wheels so that you can understand the risks and know which control measures are needed to prevent injury and ill-health.
0.5 days
£210 (+ vat) per person
Abrasive Wheel Operator Training is essential to all users, maintainers and managers of abrasive wheels. Under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER), it is a legal requirement for those involved in the use of abrasive wheels to be properly trained.
Our qualified Abrasive wheels trainers are available to deliver this course in all three HETA sites.
Our Abrasive Wheels course has been EAL approved. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of verified achievement, recognising the demonstration of competence in the use of abrasive wheels.
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Do you need a bespoke course running? Please get in touch and we can help you!
Sorry that there are no dates scheduled for this course at the moment.
If you give us your name and email address - we'll send you an email when we schedule new dates.
Company number:
1007353 England
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