TWI coded welding qualifications in BS4872, ASME IX or BS9609
1 days
£0 (+ vat) per person
Upon successful completion of this course, you or your staff will be able to complete certain welding or fabrication projects, using certain techniques. Materials and consumables are provided for the course, but you are required to bring your own PPE (Safety Boots, Safety Glasses), Welding overalls can be provided if you don’t have a pair.
Our inhouse TWI assessors are able to offer a range of codings across all disciplines.
The following charges apply to our Coded Welding Courses:
Booth Hire: £250 per person, per day
Test (price per test): BS4872 = £250 or ASME IX / BS9606 = £375
Material: Mild Steel: £30 per test. All other materials we will need to get a quote for.
Please note:
As this course is bespoke to your requirements please contact to discuss your needs and get booked in.
Want to know when we next schedule this course?
Do you need a bespoke course running? Please get in touch and we can help you!
Sorry that there are no dates scheduled for this course at the moment.
If you give us your name and email address - we'll send you an email when we schedule new dates.
Company number:
1007353 England
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