The UK is facing a UK skills shortage across the the Engineering and Manufacturing Sectors. Recruiting an Apprentice is a fantastic way to succession plan, allowing you to take in dynamic individuals and give them the knowledge and skills you need to continue your businesses success,
Recruiting an Apprentice gives you the following benefits:
Our ambition is to be the provider of choice within the Engineering and Manufacturing sector and we are proud that our data speaks for itself:
We are rated excellent by our Employers with key strengths being:
Click here to contact the team.
When considering a HETA apprentice there are 2 pools of applicants to pick from:
New Start: Our main cohort starts with us at the End of August and will have been thorugh the above recruitment process. Employng from day 1, gives you the biggest pool of candidates to pick from.
Mid-Year: To meet Employer demand, we take a small number of unsponsored learners each year. These students are available to be picked up through-out the first year training.
Click here to contact the team.
To give you the flexibility you need as an Employer, there are also 2 ways to Employ the Apprentice.
Employed Direct: This means they fall under your payroll and would be an Employee of the Company from Day 1.
Humber ATA: We offer an Apprentice Training Agency option who acts as the 'Employer' and allows a Company to get around any head count issues they face. Click here for more information regarding the Humber ATA
Company number:
1007353 England
VAT number:
Registered Charity number:
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